What is respectful parenting?
To me, I'm being respectful when I match my care to my child's biological motor, brain and emotional development as best I can, instead of working against their design. That way, my child can build trust in me and create a secure attachment, which is the foundation for their holistic development.
This way of thinking requires us to honour that all children are sentient human beings, whole and complete in their design (don’t need fixing!) and will unfold in their own time, and are therefore deserving of our respect and tender care.
By taking the principles of respectful care, both child and parent can find a way that works for them. Respectful care acknowledges that everyone is unique, so there's no one right way!
The latest brain research is now able to confirm the effect of this kind of care on the developing brain and the positive long term outcomes.
The courses I teach are created by Pennie Brownlee and based on the teachings of Dr Emmi Pikler.
What courses and play groups do you offer?
I teach a range of courses to support parents through the first few years of parenthood.
- Respectful Parenting Courses: Before Baby Course, Baby Course (0-12 mths), Toddler Course (1-5 yrs)
- Massage Course: Baby Massage Course (0-6 mths)
- Play Groups: Garden Play (all ages), Nature Play (all ages)
How long are your courses?
They range between 1 - 1:30 hours long.
Check the timetable for specific times, in COURSES
When should I do a respectful parenting course?
The sooner you have information and learn skills to parent in a way that supports your child’s unique development, the easier things are for you and your child and the health of your relationship. But it’s also never too late!
Check out the options available in COURSES
Who should do a respectful parenting course?
Soon-to-be-parent, just had your baby, parent of a toddler or even school aged children? Let’s work together!
I also welcome anyone who is parenting (e.g Grandparents, nannies, educators, foster parents) or would like to learn more about child development and respectful care.
Can my partner come to the courses with me?
Yes, I welcome partners or anyone supporting your parenting (e.g Grandparents, nannies, educators) to attend a session or the whole course with you at no extra cost. For the best learning outcomes, I recommend that one person attends the whole course, start to finish, but this is not compulsory.
What if I miss a session?
Caring for little ones is unpredictable at the best of times, so missing a session is not a drama here. I always look forward to seeing you the following week. This is what it looks like for the different courses:
- Respectful Parenting Courses: I will send you an email with a recap of that week's session and there’s a short reading in your course manual that relates to the topic that week. When you arrive at the next session, I’ll check in with you and see if you have any questions.
- Massage Course: The instructions to the massage techniques are in your course handout, broken up week by week for you to practise at home. When you arrive at the next session, I’ll check in with you and see if you have any questions and I always demonstrate the massage from prior weeks.
- Play Groups: These are unstructured sessions, so no need for you to ‘catch up’. I just look forward to seeing you at the next session.
What if my baby is fussy or asleep during the session?
Children's schedules are always changing and evolving (and sometimes just completely unpredictable!) so your baby and you are welcome in any state, without judgement! There's enough time during sessions to tend to your baby's needs or move to a quiet space. Your baby does not need to be awake for the sessions, as long as you are comfortable. For the massage course, I have dolls you can practise on.
What’s your teaching style?
My first priority in teaching is that the group is a safe space for everyone to feel heard, understood and valued. The courses are engaging, easy to understand and delivered in bite-sized pieces so you get the best out of your learning. You'll get to come to your own conclusions on the principles and concepts we learn about, instead of me just telling you what to do!.
We always start the session with a treasured ritual of homemade baking and a cup of tea, as a time to connect with each other and as a buffer if you’re running late.
Check out the idividual course pages for more information on a typical session.
Why do your courses cost more than the average mum and baby class?
There is a sliding scale of cost and quality, as with any service provider out there. As that scale slides up, the experience and results should match. I highly value what I teach and the kind of experience I offer my clients. When you attend a course you'll be in a small group, home and garden setting, feel looked after, get wholesome food, quality resources and get to meet like minded people. I am very proud of the service I provide!
Please contact me to discuss payment plans to suit your situation and budget.