We always start with a treasured ritual of afternoon tea, homemade baking and a cup of tea (that I provide), as a time to connect with each other and as a buffer if you’re running late. Then we follow the children's lead as they explore the different areas in the garden.
They might pick fruit and veggies from around the garden, create mud pies and have tea parties in the sandpit and water play, build huts under the trees, hang out in the hammocks, swing on the rope swings, collect flowers, make a fire in the fire pit or create their own games with other children.
I have a range of open-ended play things that I bring out every week for the children to use in their play, including a collection of metal cups and bowls, long lengths of rope, stacks of fabric, little baskets and more. All of these are available to the children during the session to use in whichever way they like.
There's so much for them to get stuck into and play the afternoon away!