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For children of all ages

Visit parks and nature settings around Marlborough to explore and play with your children, starting with afternoon tea.

“Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.”

- Kay Redfield Jamison

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What is the focus?

Outdoor Exploration

Getting involved in a range of natural environments and experiencing the different resources in those spaces stimulates and develops your child’s senses (of which there are many!) and builds on their knowledge of the natural world. Your child will get to encounter leaves, mud, grass, sand, water, trees, stones, flowers, sticks and bark but also different seasons, weather, temperatures and wildlife.

Child-led Play

Here your child gets time where they have autonomy to decide the what/who/how/why/when/where of their own play, with consideration to others and the environment. As the adults, we are there to support them, keep them safe and only intervene when absolutely necessary. This is your chance to learn to observe how your child is playing, how they are moving, who they’re playing with and what they’re interested in. See what kind of magic happens when you stand back and let things unfold!

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Unassisted Movement

You’re child’s motor development is something that unfolds and develops naturally as they interact with their environment. When allowed to trial and error, they develop their abilities and gain control of their bodies. This means you won’t put your child into positions they can’t get into or out of by themselves. For example, you’ll let them climb up a tree themselves and if it’s necessary you can talk about where they could put their feet or hold onto as they go, instead of picking them up and putting them up into the tree. This also counts for babies learning to roll, crawl, sit, stand and walk - without our help it might take them a bit longer to master it, but they will. No matter their age, this keeps them safe, gives them to opportunity to build resilience, accomplish a skill and create pathways in the brain!

Community for Parents and Children

Parenting on your own or in isolation from other adults is hard and not natural but it’s the reality for many parents with young children! We all crave connection, friendship and understanding and finding a group of like minded people to build relationships with is important and can make a huge difference to your parenting experience.

"Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take the walls away"

- Erin Kenny

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A typical session…

We always start with a treasured ritual of afternoon tea, homemade baking and a cup of tea (that I provide), as a time to connect with each other and as a buffer if you’re running late. Then we follow the children's lead as they explore the surrounding area that that week's setting provides.

They might create rope swings, build huts or climb trees in the forrest, collect shells and make a sand creation at the beach, jump in puddles, pick flowers and feed the ducks at a park, play with mud and water at the river or run wild and create their own games with other children at a reserve.

I have a range of open-ended play things that I bring every week for the children to use in their play, including a collection of metal cups and bowls, long lengths of rope, stacks of fabric, little baskets and more. All of these are available to the children during the session to use in whichever way they like.

There's so much for them to get stuck into and play the afternoon away!

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Where do we go?

I’ve scouted about 20 places around Marlborough that are suitable for this nature play group to visit during the year. Every term I select a new arrangement of 10 locations (with the help of the children’s feedback) that suits that season, which is then sent out in a schedule at the start of the term.

Some of our favourite places to visit are Rarangi beach, Grovetown lagoon, Harling park, Taylor Dam and Ballinger’s park. The environments change as the seasons do, so when we go to the same spots at different times of the year, our experiences in them change too!

What’s included?

  • 10 sessions / 15 hours together

  • Homemade afternoon tea for everyone

  • All play resources

  • A supportive and safe environment to connect and learn

I’m always around to answer questions and support you with any issues that may arise during the session or from home.

This is an all weather play group, so we'll continue if it's wet - just make sure to bring weather appropriate clothing.

Your partner or support person is welcome and encouraged to attend the play group with you, at no extra cost.

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10 weeks
3:00 - 4:30pm

Courses run in conjunction with the school terms.


Casual - $12 per child, per session
A great option for families who may travel and miss sessions during the term. (Fill out the book now form and I’ll send you the terms schedule, and you can choose which weeks to join us.)

Full term (10 sessions) - $100 for 1 child, $150 for 2, $200 for 3, $250 for 4
Gives a discount for families who are able to commit to the full term, payment required upfront.

(Siblings under 6mths old are free, both for casual and full term attendance)

I’m ready to book now!

I need some more convincing.